The Rainbow Revolution: Why Pride Month is Still a Force for Change- Rainbows every where is just a dream for many. Colours all around you fills a sense of joy and happiness within you. But this month comes true every year in the month of June. Prime month a time dedicated month to celebrate every individual and their choices. But a question still arises in mind that what is the significance if pride month in present time? what is pride month? and how it is celebrated? To answer all your questions here is a complete article by Matlabi news that will surely bring a change of heart within you.

What is Pride month and why it is celebrated ?
LBTQ pride month , most commonly known as Pride Month is a month , commonly June . It is dedicated to the various sexualities out there – it reflects how one can be whatever they want and whoever they want without being judge. It’s there for the celebration and commemoration of lesbian, gay , bisexual and transgender people . Pride month began after the Stonewall riots , a series of gay liberation protests in 1969. It commences from 1 June and the celebration lasts till the 30th.
What is the significance of pride month in current times ?
Pride month holds a great significance for the people of the LGBTQ community in the current time giving people to showcase their inner self with pride. In the earlier century, people where ashamed of how they didn’t feel like that their gender matched their body ; it was considered a taboo to be gay or a part of the LGBTQ. Hurtful words were directed towards that group of people and their titles were used as curses. Women who were found to be lesbian were titled as witches and were hanged or burned to death. But now everything has taken a turn for the good , many people are now coming out of the closet and are embracing their true selves. many famous faces that you see frequently on the big screen our also celebraters of the pride month, people like Gauri Sawant, KaranJohar, sushant divgikr / Rani koHEnur , are some examples. Pride is popularly being accepted in the States and other foreign countries, Indian has also taken a step towards this motion of acceptance. Marrige with the same sex is now allowed in many countries and others also don’t stop these couples from becoming adoptive parents. Such actions are acting like a small step towards a big change , a change for good , a change for humanity.
Popular Influencers who are members of LGBTQ+
Here is a list of some popular LGBTQ+ influencers for you to check out. They stand strong and represent them selves with their true identity.
Sushant Divgikr
Gauri Sawant
Lakshmi Narayan Tripathi
Shivam Bharadwaj
Ella D Verma
Summing up
Summing up this colour filled and confident article we wish you developed a sense of pride in what you are. Who so ever you are stay proud and bold. Pride month not only embraces sexuality but also the confidence within you. It teaches to love your self and ignore all judgements.
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